
Welcome to Manchester, we can't wait to meet you.
Discover our Student community by talking to Katie at church or by sending her an email - She'd love to help you get connected!

More About Us

Cultivating a culture that keeps everyone safe
Cultivating a culture that keeps everyone safe
Our weekly at-home gatherings across the city.
Small Groups
Our weekly at-home gatherings across the city.
Helping our young people develop mature faith.
Helping our young people develop mature faith.
Helping all ages discover the love of God together.
Children & Families
Helping all ages discover the love of God together.
Find out what's happening at Vinelife
What's On
Find out what's happening at Vinelife
Partnering with Barnabus and their life-changing work with the homeless.
Partnering with Barnabus and their life-changing work with the homeless.